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Since I became a decoration queen, I decided to go to work secretly- I'm not lonely sleeping alone because there is a rabbit!~

Since I became a decoration queen, I decided to go to work secretly- I'm not lonely sleeping alone because there is a rabbit!~

Since I became a decoration queen, I decided to go to work secretly- I'm not lonely sleeping alone because there is a rabbit!~ / Okazari Ouhi ni Nattanode, Kossori Hataraki ni deru koto ni Shimashita ~Usagi ga Iru node Hitorine mo Sabishiku Arimasen!~ / お飾り王妃になったので、こっそり働きに出ることにしました ~うさぎがいるので独り寝も寂しくありません!~
Togashi Seiya / Houhou
Chapter 15.2
Konna Joshi wo Gyutte Shitai! Short Stories

Konna Joshi wo Gyutte Shitai! Short Stories

こんな女子をぎゅってしたい! ショートストーリーズ / I Want to Hug a Girl like This! Short Stories
Idumi Kirihara / 桐原 いづみ / Izumi Kirihara / Hakone Odawara / オダワラ ハコネ / Dicca Suemitsu / すえみつ ぢっか / Dicca / Suemitsu Jikka / Mikage / 未影 / Houki Kusano / 草野 ほうき / SINIZON / Hideaki Yoshikawa / 吉川 英朗 / Hiroichi / ヒロイチ / Picotama. / Pikotama. / ぴこたま。 / Shake O / 鮭夫 / Sakeo / Nanateru / ななてる / 蓮根庵 / Renkonan / Ixy / Omina Tachibana / 立花 オミナ / Ominaeshi / オミナエシ / Shimapan / しまぱん / Mozu / もず / Peθ / Koume Fujichika / 藤近 小梅 / Sekizui Hikinuki no Kei / 脊髄引き抜きの刑 / 脳みそ園 / Noumiso-en / Hikari Fujisaki / 藤崎 ひかり / French letter / Harenochiame / ハレノチアメ / AMAYADORI+ / Nadeshiko Yamato / 大和 なでしこ / スタジオナデシコ / Studio Nadeshiko / Mosco / もすこ / Mosuko / Kouta Matsuda / まつだ こうた / Mokufuu / もくふう / Kengo Konno / 紺野 賢護 / Taku Kawamura / 川村 拓 / Mimishiki / 耳式 / Sanshirou Kasama / 笠間 三四郎 / さまさま / Samasama / Hikaru Uesugi / 植杉 光 / Deyuyama / でゆ山 / dark / だーく / Dark Side Room / だーくさいどるーむ / Yuama / ゆあま / Taishou Akatsuka / 赤塚 大将 / Hanomido / はのみど / Rie Atou / 阿東 里枝 / りえのあとりえ / Rie no Atelier / Jako / じゃこ / Yasumi Holiday / 堀出井 靖水 / Horidei Yasumi
🇯🇵Romance,Slice of Life
I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here.

I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here.

I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here. / 私、異世界で奴隷にされちゃいました(泣)しかもご主人様は性格の悪いエルフの女王様(でも超美人←ここ大事)無能すぎて罵られまくるけど同僚のオークが癒やし系だし里のエルフは可愛いし結構楽しんでる私です。 / Watashi, Isekai de Dorei ni Sarechaimashita (naku). Shikamo Goshujin-sama ha Seikaku no Warui Erufu no Jou'ou-sama (demo Chou-Bijin ← Koko Daiji) Munou sugite Nonoshiraremakuru kedo Douryou no Orc ga Iyashi-kei dashi Sato no Erufu ha Kawaii shi Kekkou Tanoshinderu Watashi desu.
Super Masara / Yoshida Hideyuki
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Reincarnation,Comedy,Isekai,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.2
The maid who leaks the voice of the heart came to the house

The maid who leaks the voice of the heart came to the house

容易漏出心声的女仆小姐到我家来了 / 心の声が漏れやすいメイドさんが家に来た

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