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Kouritsu-Chuu Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou wo Kiwameru
Le mage maîtrisera la magie efficacement dans sa seconde vie / The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently in His Second Life / Маг освоит магию эффективней в своей второй жизни / 効率厨魔導師、第二の人生で魔導を極める / 效率厨魔导师
Kenkyo na Circle / Asakawa Keiji
We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes!
We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! / イッたら同居⁉年下くんの策略エッチが拒めない!
Josoushite Mendokusai Koto ni Natteru Nekura to Yankee Ryou Kataomoi
Crossdressing Has Become a Problem; Emo and Yankee's Unrequited Mutual Feelings / 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い
2🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Konyaku Kaihi no Tame, Koe wo Dasanai to Kimemashita!!
婚約回避のため、声を出さないと決めました!! / I Decided to Be a Mute So That I Can Escape My Engagement!!
Amino Yuki / 結城 あみの / Flos Comic / soy
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka - Familia Chronicle: Episode Ryuu
DanMachi - Familia Chronicle: Episode Ryuu / Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Familia Chronicle Episode Ryu / Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka: Familia Chronicle Episode Ryu / Может, я встречу тебя в подземелье – Хроника Рю / ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか ファミリアクロニクル episodeリュー / 던전에서 만남을 추구하면 안 되는 걸까 -에피소드 류
Oomori Fujino / Momoyama Hinase
Clear Up After Rain
あめのちはれ / Ame Nochi Hare
Comic B's-LOG / Bikke / びっけ / BK / BK0418 / Studio FZ
🇯🇵Josei(W),Drama,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
7-Daime no Tomari!
7 Daime no Tomari / 7代目のとまり! / 7代目のとまり![めいびい短編集] / 80D / Hajimete to, / Initial Experience / Mete Yunde / Nanadaime no Tomari! / Ninjia Shoujo Makari Tooru / Pastel Ivory / Sandy Go Home / Seven Short Stories MAYBE SPECIAL WORKS / The Seventh Generation, Tomari
Hagukumi Ai wa Maiban Komame ni: Toshishita Kareshi no 凸 Seichou Kiroku
Mana Aizen / 愛染 マナ / Kindan Lovers
Kimi no Tame ni Sekai wa Aru
Cast a Spell / Friday Night Cinema / Jewel of You / Secret Closet / The World Exists for You / The World is Only For You / きみのために世界はある
Usui Shio
1🇯🇵Oneshot,Drama,School Life,Shoujo ai
I'm Thinking of Quitting the Villainess' Entourage
Akuyaku Reijō No Torimaki Yameyou to Omoimasu / I Think I'll Quit Being the Villainess' Follower / I Will Quit the Entourage of the Villainess / 悪役令嬢の取り巻きやめようと思います
hoshimado ponkichi / fujiwara rika / i'm thinking of quitting the villainess' entourage 8
An Introduction to Easy Triangle Relationships.
合格のための!やさしい三角関係入門 / Goukaku no Tame no! Yasashii Sankaku Kankei Nyuumon
Dengeki Daioh / Canno / undefined 缶乃
3🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Seinen(M),Slice of Life
Umareru Kachi no Nakatta Jibun ga Anna no Tame ni Dekiru Ikutsuka no Koto
生まれる価値のなかった自分がアンナのためにできるいくつかのこと / The Few Things I Can Do For Anna Even Though I Didn't Deserve To Be Born
Monthly Action / Yousuke Nagase / 永瀬 ようすけ
How Can I Be Your Model? There's Just No Way!!
How Can I Be Your Model? There's Just No Way!! / 絵描くための資料を提供する女子の話 / 我怎么可能当你的模特?不行不行!
🇯🇵Oneshot,Yuri(GL),Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Mofu Onee-san no Atatame-kata
How To Warm Up Your Blanket / Moufu Oneesan no Atatamekata / 毛布おねえさんの温めかた
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Futari no Tame ni Sekai wa Aru no.
ふたりのために世界はあるの。 / Mizushiro Setona Kessakushuu 2, The world exists because of the two of us, Valentine Cinema, Joou-sama no Okiniiri
Betsucomi / Setona Mizushiro / 水城 せとな
Otaku-Kun No Seiheki Wo Isshou Yugamete Iku Ishuzoku Musume-Tachi
オタク君の性癖を一生歪めていく異種族娘たち / Otaku-kun no Seiheki wo Isshou Yugamete Iku Ishuzoku Musume-tachi / Interspecies Girls Who Will Twist Otaku-kun's Fetishes for the Rest of His Life / Девушки иных рас, пожизненно искажающие сексуальные предпочтения Отаку-куна
Gyutei / Shimimaru
Seinen(M),Mature,Comedy,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru tame Tenseisu
Eiyu-Oh, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame Tensei Su, Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi / Eiyuu-ou, bu o Kiwameru tame tensei su - Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi ♀~ / Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru tame Tenseisu ~Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi♀~ / The King of Heroes Reincarnates to Polish His Skill to the Limit and Becomes the Strongest Knight in Training in the World ♀ / Король героев реинкарнирует, чтобы усовершенствовать свое мастерство до предела и становится сильнейшим рыцарем на тренировках в мире ♀ / 英雄王、武を極めるため転生す / 英雄王、武を極めるため転生す ~そして、世界最強の見習い騎士♀~
Kuromura Moto, Hayaken / Kuromura Moto
My Engagement With The Prince Was Cancelled So I Will Stop Pretending To Be a Fool
My Engagement With The Prince Was Cancelled So I Will Stop Pretending To Be a Fool / Outaishi ni Konyaku Haki Saretanode, Mou Baka no Furi wa Yameyou to Omoimasu / 王太子に婚約破棄されたので、もうバカのふりはやめようと思います
SAYAMA Hibiki / Minamino Hazuki
Nodame Cantabile - Opera Hen
のだめカンタービレオペラ編(Japanese), Nodame Cantabile Bahagian Opera(Malay), 노다메 칸타빌레 오페라 편(Korean), 母鸡歌剧交响情人梦(Chinese),
ninomiya tomoko
Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
I Was Invited To Join The Country As An Otherworldly Warrior, But I Refused And Decided To Start As A Soldier
Aneko Yusagi / Chihiro
Close the Last Door
最後のドアを閉めろ! / Saigo no Door wo Shimero! / Saigo no Door wo Shimero, Saigo no Doa wo Shimero!, Close your last door
Yugi Yamada / 山田 ユギ
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - KazuMegu will get married in 100 days (Doujinshi)
この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! -「100日後に結婚するカズめぐ」
suke yuno
12🇯🇵Doujinshi,4-Koma,Comedy,Romance,Isekai,Parody,Full Color,Fantasy
Is It Odd That I Became An Adventurer Even If I Graduated From The Witchcraft Institute?
Majutsu Gakuin Wo Shuseki De Sotsugyoushita Ore Ga Boukensha Wo Hajimeru No Wa Sonnna Ni Okashii Darouka / 魔術学院を首席で卒業した俺が冒険者を始めるのはそんなにおかしいだろうか / 마술학원을 수석으로 졸업한 내가 모험가를 시작하는 건 이상한 걸까
Ichigenme... The First Class is Civil Law
1限めはやる気の民法 / Ichigenme / Ichigenme wa Yaruki, Ichigenme wa yaruki no minpou, Ichigenme.. The First Class is Civil Law, Ichigenme
Biblos / Fumi Yoshinaga / よしなが ふみ
🇯🇵Romance,Shounen ai
When I Woke Up, I Was A Girl
Megasameta-ra on'nanoko ni natte ita hanashi / 目が覚めたら女の子になっていた話 / Unparalleled Mememori-kun / Mememori-kun ni wa kanawanai
6Comedy,Gender Bender,School Life,Slice of Life
Spectral Wizard: Saikyou no Mahou wo Meguru Bouken
スペクトラルウィザード 最強の魔法をめぐる冒険 / Spectral Wizard: Adventure Surrounding the Most Powerful Spell, Most Powerful Spell on Earth, Fire Mage, Fire Mage VS Crystal Wizard, VS Spectral Wizard, Salad Wizard
Mozou Crystal / 模造クリスタル / The Imitation Crystal
Dark sweet nightmare
黒蔦屋敷の秘めごと / Kurotsuta Yashiki no Himegoto / The Secret of the Black Ivy Mansion
Petit Comic / Tomu Ohmi / 大海 とむ / Tomu Oomi
Sparkly Lion Boy
きらめきのライオンボーイ / Kirameki no Lion Boy
Ribon Magazine / Youko Maki / 槙 ようこ / 慎 陽子 / 槙 阳子 / 福家 陽子 / Youko Fuke / Yoko Maki
A Fairy Tale for Villains
A Happy Ending for Villains / A Fairy Tale for the Villains / Ein Happy End für Schurken / La méchanceté n'est pas innée / นิทานเพื่อเหล่าวายร้าย / 为反派打造的童话 / 悪役たちのための物語 / 那些反派的故事 / 악당들을 위한 동화
nyangiwa hyangshinlo (kitty and spices) / banana
Nande Neteru Ore no Chinko Nametano?
Why Did You Suck My Dick While I Was Sleeping? / なんで寝てる俺のちんこ舐めたの?
satomaru mami
Migawari Otome No Koufuku-Na Yomeiri - Meiko To Musubi No Akashi
身代わり乙女の幸福な嫁入り~めいこと結びのあかし~ / The Substitute Maiden's Happy Marriage
Yuuki Nozomi
Oshi No Shuuchakushin Wo Namete Ita
推しの執着心を舐めていた / I Underestimated My Oshi's Attachment
Hirano Ao / Sorajima
A Twist Of Fate: A Wizard's Fairy Tale
A Fairytale for Wizards / Fairytale for Wizards / Mahoutsukai no Tame no Douwa / Un cuento de hada para magos / จอมเวทปาฏิหาริย์กับนิทานแห่งมนตรา / 魔法使いのための童話 / 마법사를 위한 동화
Eunsoro / Pig Cake
Hazukashigariya no Tsuma to Shinkon Seikatsu Hajimemashita
Hazukashigariya no Tsuma to Shinkon Seikatsu Hajimemashita / 恥ずかしがり屋の妻と新婚生活はじめました
Kiribai Kineso
1🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,Slice of Life,Cooking
Dungeon Ni Deai O Motomeru No Wa Machigatte Iru Darou Ka
ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか (Japanese) / Может, я встречу тебя в подземелье? (Russian) / 在地下城寻求邂逅是否搞错了什么 / 在地牢里寻求邂逅难道有错吗 / 期待在地下城邂逅有错吗 (Chinese) / 던전에서 만남을 추구하면 안 되는 걸까 (Korean) / DanMachi / Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka / Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka / Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru noha Machigatteiru Darouka / Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (English)
Oomori Fujino / Kunieda
The Strange Adventure Of A Broke Mercenary
Kuitsume Youhei no Gensou Kitan / Fantasie Geshichte von Söldner in großer Armut / 食い詰め傭兵の幻想奇譚