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The Boy Who Somehow Ended Up Working in a Maid Cafe
The Boy Who Somehow Ended Up Working in a Maid Cafe / なぜかメイドカフェで働くことになった男の子の話
Kiyu Fuyuki
A Story About a Boy Who Randomly Become a Girl of Various Type When He Wakes Up in The Morning
Asa Okiru to Random de Ironna Type Onnanoko ni Natchau Otokonoko no Hanashi / 朝起きるとランダムでいろんなタイプ女の子になっちゃう男の子の話
1Comedy,Slice of Life,Genderswap,School Life
Tōi sonzai to natta kanojo wa…
Tōi sonzai to natta kanojo wa… / 遠い存在となった彼女は…
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Drama,School Life,Slice of Life
Dating Choices for Various Types of Girls
Dating Choices for Various Types of Girls / カップルごとにいろんなデートがあってみんないいよね / Kappurugoto ni Ironna de-to ga atte Minna ii yo ne
Kiyu Fuyuki
The Story Of Getting Dumped So Often That You Think "whatever, I'm Fine With Him" And Genderswap Your Best Friend And Can't Undo It
My Wife Cosplaying for Cat Day, Even With Reservations
My Wife Cosplaying for Cat Day, Even With Reservations / なんだかんだ言いつつ猫の日もコスプレしてくれる嫁ちゃん
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,Slice of Life
Fuyuki Senpai to Natsui
Fuyuki Senpai to Natsui / 冬木先輩と夏井 / Fuyuki Senpai and Natsui
Noki Ai (乃樹愛)
🇯🇵Oneshot,Yuri(GL),Comedy,School Life
Stormy Springtime
Fuyu Kitari Naba... / Fuyukitarinaba... / Stormy Springtime / 冬きたりなば…
Betty Neels / Hoshino Masami
The Otaku who turned into a Gal because of a Otaku-Friendly Gal.
The Otaku who turned into a Gal because of a Otaku-Friendly Gal. / オタクに優しいギャルによってギャルにされてしまうオタク / O Otaku Que Se Tornou Uma Gal Por Causa De Uma Amiga Otaku Gal.
Kiyu Fuyuki
I went home for New Year's, but it's nice to have a sister who keeps you around when it's time to leave.
I went home for New Year's, but it's nice to have a sister who keeps you around when it's time to leave. / Oshōgatsu jikka ni kisei shi tetakedo, kaeru toki ni natte hikitomete kuru imōto tte ī yo ne / お正月実家に帰省してたけど、帰るときになって引き留めてくる妹っていいよね
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Slice of Life
Au tabi ni hikuku natte iku on'nanoko
Au tabi ni hikuku natte iku on'nanoko / 合う 旅 に 低く なって 行く 女の子
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Sports,Medical,School Life,Slice of Life
Villain Derby
Villain Derby / ヴィランダービー
Fuyuki Izumida
Insufficient Direction
Insufficient Direction / 監督不行届 / Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki
Anno Moyoco / Anno Hideaki
🇯🇵Sci-Fi,Psychological,Romance,Comedy,Mecha,Survival,Drama,Slice of Life
Villain Derby
Fuyuki Izumida
🇯🇵Oneshot,Action,Adventure,Crime,Gyaru,Delinquents,Death Game
I Like Girls Who Put on a Brave Face Even After Being Rejected.
I Like Girls Who Put on a Brave Face Even After Being Rejected. / フラれても最後まで強がっちゃう女の子が好きです。 / Furarete mo Saigo Made Tsuyoga Chau Onnanoko ga Suki Desu.
Kiyu Fuyuki
Warming Up My Wife In A Unique Way.
Warming Up My Wife In A Unique Way. / 独特な方法で暖をとる嫁ちゃん / Dokutokuna Houhou de Dan wo Toru Yome-chan / Warming Up Yome-chan In A Unique Way.
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Slice of Life
Honban Chokuzen ni Kegashita Idol no Kawari ni Stage ni Tatsu Koto ni Natta Manager-san
Honban Chokuzen ni Kegashita Idol no Kawari ni Stage ni Tatsu Koto ni Natta Manager-san / 本番直前にケガしたアイドルの代わりにステージに立つことになったマネージャーさん / The Manager Going in Place of an Injured Idol Right before the Performance
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Slice of Life
Okuman Chouja no Kakehiki
億万長者の駆け引き / Pregnant By The Millionaire
Harlequin / Rurika Fuyuki / 冬木 るりか / Carole Mortimer
Onna ni Natta Tomodachi o Suki ni Natte Shimatta
Onna ni Natta Tomodachi o Suki ni Natte Shimatta / 女になった友達を好きになってしまった / I Ended Up Falling in Love with My Friend Who Became a Girl
Kiyu Fuyuki
Zettai kitai shi teru yome-chan
Zettai kitai shi teru yome-chan
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Sports,Full Color
It's Cute That She Worries That Much
It's Cute That She Worries That Much / めちゃくちゃ気にしてる彼女ちゃんはかわいい。
Futari de Hairu To Semaine……
Futari de Hairu To Semaine…… / Is cramped with two people in here, isn't it…… / 2人で入ると狭いね……
Kiyu Fuyuki
A Reporter Who Was Interviewed on The Street by Chance While Being on A Date
A Reporter Who Was Interviewed on The Street by Chance While Being on A Date / デート中に偶然街頭インタビューされてしまったリポーターさん / Deetochuu ni Guuzen Gaitou Intabyuu Sareteshimatta Ripootaa-san / Deetochuu ni Guuzen Gaitou Intabyuu Sareteshimatta Repootaa-san
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Full Color
I Like Gal-chan Who Only Wears Glasses When Studying.
I Like Gal-chan Who Only Wears Glasses When Studying. / 勉強するときだけメガネかけるギャルちゃんすき。 / Benkyou Suru Toki Dake Megane Kakeru Gyaru-chan Suki
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,School Life,Full Color,Gyaru
Passionate Fantasy
シェフと泥棒 / Chef to Dorobou
Harlequin / Rurika Fuyuki / 冬木 るりか / Sharon Kendrick / シャロン・ケンドリック
The Class Rep, Who Is Usually Cool But Was Caught Having Fun at Disneyland.
The Class Rep, Who Is Usually Cool But Was Caught Having Fun at Disneyland. / 普段クールだけどランドではしゃいでるのを見つかっちゃった委員長 / Fudan Kuurudakedo Rando de Hashaideru no wo Mitsukacchatta Iincho
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,School Life,Full Color
My Wife Cosplaying for Christmas
My Wife Cosplaying for Christmas / クリスマスもなんだかんだコスプレしてくれる嫁ちゃん
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,Slice of Life
Aa-ah! I'll be With You for 3 More Years
Aa-ah! I'll be With You for 3 More Years / あーあ!これでまたあんたと3年あ間一緒か
Kiyu Fuyuki