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Dark sweet nightmare
黒蔦屋敷の秘めごと / Kurotsuta Yashiki no Himegoto / The Secret of the Black Ivy Mansion
Petit Comic / Tomu Ohmi / 大海 とむ / Tomu Oomi
The Gal Who Was Meant to Confess to Me as a Game Punishment Has Apparently Fallen in Love with Me
Shinsetsu Ookami to Koushinryou: Ookami to Youhishi
Il Lupo e la Pergamena: la Nuova Teoria di Spice & Wolf / Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf / Волчица и Пергамент / 新説 狼と香辛料 狼と羊皮紙 / 늑대와 양피지
Hasekura Isuna / Ayakura Juu, Hidori
🇯🇵Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Buta Koushaku ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai
Buta Kōshaku ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai / Buta Koushaku ni Tensei Shita kara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai / Because I've Been Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke, This Time I Will Say I Like You / Piggy Duke Want to Say Love to You / 豚公爵に転生したから、今度は君に好きと言いたい / 转生猪公爵,这次想说喜欢你
rhythm aida / fujy
3Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Adventure,Fantasy,Magic,Slice of Life,Isekai
Yojouhan Sweet Home
4畳半Sweet Home / 4 Jouhan Sweet Home, northmen, Sweet Memories, Sweet Worker, Sweet Prisoner, Sweet Home
Super Beboy Comics / Shinano Oumi / 青海 信濃
My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker
お見合い相手は教え子、強気な、問題児。 / Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji. / My Marriage Partner is My Student, a Cocky Troublemaker, My Marriage Interview Partner is a Student, Strong, and a Problem Child
Sigma Torai / 虎井 シグマ / Sigma Try
Tenshi no Marshmallow
天使のマシュマロ / Tenshi no Marshmellow, An Angel's Marshmallows
Young Comic / Takahanada Pon / ポン 貴花田
Watashi no Fushidara
わたしのふしだら / My Misconduct
Young King OURs GH / Takeshi Ohmi / 大見 武士 / Takeshi Oomi / Higetaku / 髭タク
Houkago! (Anthology)
Hirari, Bessatsu - Bukatsu Joshi Anthology: Houkago!, Fingertip Skip, A Manager's Job, After School!, Afterschool Girl, Houkago no Kanojo, The All Girls' Mahjong Club Is Doing Club Activities!, Drumcan Hyakkei: 100 Famous Views of a Drum Can
Hiromi Takashima / Milk Morinaga / Tomo Maeda / Hakamada Mera / Kashmir / Kaworu Watashiya / Koyomi Fuji / Chizu Kohashi / Tae Sano / Auri Hirao / Kumichou / Tamaki Oujima / Yuu Yoshidamaru / Inumaru / Makoto Fujis
Bad Girl's Punishment Games
Mi Fen Wen Hua / [Add]
Josei(W),Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Romance,Historical
Toriyama Akira Marusaku Gekijou
Akira Toriyama's Manga Theater / Cashman / Dragonboy / Dub & Peter / Go! Go! Ackman / Kennosuke-sama / Mamejirou / Mr. Ho / Sonchoh / The Adventures of Tongpoo / Toriyama Akira Marusaku Gekijou
toriyama akira
DHM - Dungeon + Harem + Master
Mishima SenHiroshi
Arknights: A1 Operations Preparation Detachment
Arknights: A1 Operations Preparation Detachment / 明日方舟: A1行动预备组
1🇨🇳Sci-Fi,Action,Video Games,Fantasy
Hidamari Sketch Anthology Comic
Mera Hakamada / 袴田 めら / Shouko Iwami / 石見 翔子 / Shoko Iwami / Tsukasa Unohana / 卯花 つかさ / kashmir / Ayami Kazama / カザマ アヤミ / Komata Mikami / 三上 小又 / Mook / むっく / Sou Hamayumiba / 浜弓場 双 / Sekitou / 赤橙 / MATSUDA98 / Gurigura Kuchihacchou / 口八丁 ぐりぐら / Ikki Sanada / 真田 一輝 / Kazuho / カヅホ / Kaduho / Kadzuho / Masaru Kaneko / カネコ マサル / Marimo / まりも / Eretto / えれっと / Utsura Uraraka / うつらうららか / Komusou / こむそう / Purapa / ぷらぱ / Tetsuya Kobayashi / コバヤシ テツヤ / Seri Suzushiro / 鈴城 芹 / Tokio Shima / 志摩 時緒 / Yuusuke Shiba / シバ ユウスケ / Shinobu Take / 武 シノブ / Mika Harukaze / 東風 実花 / Hoppege / ほっぺげ / Teishibou-new / 低脂肪NEW / Shion Shirayuki / 白雪 しおん / Fuu Araki / 荒木 風羽 / Chiki Nonohara / 野々原 ちき / Kakashi Oniyazu / 鬼八頭 かかし / Tasuke Sakura / 櫻 太助 / Chama / 茶麻 / Hyaluron / ひあるろん / Touko Shiwasu / 師走 冬子 / Tamachi Rui / るい たまち / Taichi Murata / むらた たいち / Aya Yamabuki / やまぶき 綾 / Sakaki / 榊 / Munekichi / undefined むねきち / Nagomi Tozakura / 都桜 和 / Asaki Nakama / なかま 亜咲 / Nagian / 凪庵 / rin / Hami / undefined はみ / Teto Tachitsu / 舘津 テト / Rein Kuwashima / 桑島 黎音 / Akaneiro no Sora / 茜色ノ空 / Ara Kadose / 門瀬 粗 / Sumiko Watanabe / 渡辺 純子 / Mei Aota / 青田 めい
🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life
Morbid Attachment
Morbid Attachment / 诟病
Chi Zongzha / 3981
🇨🇳Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Romance,Adaptation,Full Color
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
蒼の彼方のフォーリズム / Four Rhythm Across the Blue, AoKana
Comp Ace / Hideyu Tougarashi / 唐辛子 ひでゆ / Hideyu Tohgarashi
Ashen Victor
灰者 / Haisha / Ashen Victor: Motorball Diaries from the World of Battle Angel Alita, Ashman, Hai-Sha
Yukito Kishiro / 木城 ゆきと / Ultra Jump
Ganghodaeran: Life and Punishment
Ganghodaeran: Life and Punishment / 강호대란: 생과 벌 / Gangho Daeran: Life and Punishment / The Great Rebellion: Life and Punishment
Choi Cheol-gyu / Yong Seok-jin
🇰🇷Webtoon,Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
Fuyu no Ou to Haru no Hime
Fuyu no Ou to Haru no Hime / Winter King and Spring Princess / 冬の王と春の姫
Yoshihara Yuki / Ohmi Tomu
Oshi No Shuuchakushin Wo Namete Ita
推しの執着心を舐めていた / I Underestimated My Oshi's Attachment
Hirano Ao / Sorajima
The Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm
攻殻機動隊 THE HUMAN ALGORITHM / Koukaku Kidoutai: The Human Algorithm
Junichi Fujisaku / 藤咲 淳一 / Comic Days / Yuuki Yoshimoto / 吉本 祐樹
The Useless Tamer Will Turn into the Top Unconsciously by My Previous Life Knowledge
About Making the Low-tier Tamer Profession Top-tier Using My Previous Life’s Knowledge / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihengyo Tamer Ga Joukyugyo Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken Ni Tsuite / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihenshoku Tamer Ga Joukyuushoku Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken / Ore No Zensei No Chishiki De Teihen Shoku Tamer Ga Joukyuu Shoku Ni Natte Shimai Sou Na Ken / 俺の前世の知識で底辺職テイマーが上級職になってしまいそうな件
Yoshigae Tamaki / Niwa Rhythm
Tsumi to Batsu (OCHIAI Naoyuki)
罪と罰 (落合尚之) / 罪と罰 A Falsified Romance / 罪与罚 / Crime and Punishment (OCHIAI Naoyuki) / Syndrome 1866 / Tsumi to Batsu (OCHIAI Naoyuki) / Tsumi to Batsu - A Falsified Romance
ochiai naoyuki
12Seinen(M),Mature,Drama,Psychological,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf
新説 狼と香辛料 狼と羊皮紙 / Shinsetsu Ookami to Koushinryou: Ookami to Youhishi
Juu Ayakura / 文倉 十 / Isuna Hasekura / 支倉 凍砂
Zoku - Kindan no Koi wo Shiyou
続・禁断の恋をしよう / Let's Have Forbidden Romance, continued
Petit Comic / Tomu Ohmi / 大海 とむ / Tomu Oomi