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Soredemo, Yasashii Koi o Suru
それでも、やさしい恋をする / 即使如此、也要温柔相爱 / Doushitemo Furetakunai dj - After 10 Hours / Doushitemo Furetakunai dj - After 9 Hours / Doushitemo Furetakunai dj - The World with Color / Eppure sogno un dolce amore (Italian) / Even So, I Will Love You Tenderly / Mon amour à tout jamais (French) / Soredemo, Yasashii Koi wo Suru / Still, I will love you softly / Yasashii Uso wa Minoranai
yoneda kou
Yaoi(BL),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Being true to yourself is hard but confessing your love to another is another thing. Growing up, Liam has mastered the arts of acting. Liam is great at anything he does and plays the Mr. Perfect role effortlessly…until he meets his new teacher. / Ser fiel a ti mismo es difícil, pero confesar tu amor a otra persona es algo muy diferente. Al crecer, Liam ha dominado las artes de la actuación. Liam es excelente en todo lo que hace y desempeña el papel de Mr. Perfecto sin esfuerzo... hasta que conoce a su nuevo maestro.
Shu / Seru
Hetalia - Triple P (Doujinshi)
Hetalia dj - Triple Player
Fujitani Sonami, Sakuraba Chidori, Takagi Ryou
Touhou - Marisa to Alice no Fushin na Ningyou (Doujinshi)
Touhou - Marisa to Alice no Fushin na Ningyou (Doujinshi) / Touhou - 魔理沙とアリスの不審な人形 (Doujinshi) / Touhou - Marisa and Alice's Peculiar Dolls (Doujinshi)
Tome / Aokaniya (Circle)