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A Rogue Guard in a Medieval Fantasy
The Chaotic Guard Captain in a Fantasy World / The Rogue Captain of the Guards in a Medieval Fantasy World / 중세 판타지 속 망나니 경비조장
Studio MW / Teddy Bear / Kim Garden
Mushi to Medama to Teddy Bear
蟲と眼球とテディベア / Bug, Eyeball and Teddy Bear, Insect and Eyeball and Teddybear, Mushi to Medama to Teddybear
Comic Alive / Akira / 日日日 / Yuriko Asami / 浅見 百合子
Teddy Bear no Wakarekata
テディベアの別れ方 / How to Separate from Teddy Bear, Sensei ni Furesasete, I Want to Be Touched by Sensei, Teddy Bear no Handcare, The Hand Care of Teddy Bear
Qpa / Torino Rakuda / 楽田 トリノ
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Slice of Life
Kantai Collection -KanColle- Ikazuchiism (Doujinshi)
gin (shioyude) & hinoki bayashi (yatuzaki teddybear)
The Duke's Teddy Bear
The Duke's Teddy Bear / 공작님의 곰인형 / Плюшевый мишка герцога / Boneka Beruang Duke / Aku Merasuki Boneka Duke
Choi Seong-ha / GomDol (곰돌)
When Did We Start Dating?!
언제부터 사겼는데!? /
Team Snake / Teddy Bear
A Rogue Guard In A Medieval Fantasy
A Rogue Guard in a Medieval Fantasy / Roguish Guard in a Medieval Fantasy / The Chaotic Guard Captain in a Fantasy World / The Rogue Captain of the Guards in a Medieval Fantasy World / 중세 판타지 속 망나니 경비조장
Studio Mw / Teddy Bear / Kim Garden
Koisuru Teddy Boy
恋するテディ・ボーイ / Beloved Teddy Bear, Koi Suru Teddy Boy, Boy-Girl, Chisana Koro Kana, Otokonoko, Onnanoko
Ribon Magazine / Yoko Kamura
Teddy Bear Paradise
テディ・ベア天国〈パラダイス〉 / Teddy Bear Tengoku
Shouko Kuriki / 栗城 祥子
Mette Sarete Kya
メッ てされてキャッ / Me tte Sarete Kya, When You Say 'No', I Say 'Eek'!, A Piece of Candy, Amedama Hitotsu, Wakka Hane Hane, My Teddy Bear, Kuma-san ni Tsuite, Yomibito Shirazu no Otoyori desu, Hoshi to Tsubakuro, Abracadabra, Chichin Pui Pui
Comic Yuri Hime / Minoru Tanaka / 田仲 みのる
🇯🇵Comedy,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
Le Théâtre
Oeufs D'ange / Tenshi no Tamago / Velvet Going Underground / Childhood's End / Bite Me Something / Long Along Alonging / Till Dawn / Leçon un / My Skin on My Back / Highland Walker / Perfect World / Perfect Lady / Looks Like a Teaspoon / The Pearl Blue Story / I Am a Piano / Parade / Noël / Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken / The Teddy Bear Murder Case / Yonshimai Satsujin Jiken / A is for Alice / Nedai no Musume Atelier no Musume / The Bedroom Girl, The Sculpture Room Girl / B&W / Black&White / Le Jardin du thé / The Tea Garden / Free Fitting for Her / Rose Dusk, Pale Moon / Hello, My Sister / The Happy Prince / Welcome to Wonderland
asumiko nakamura
Supernatural,Comedy,Romance,Fantasy,Drama,Slice of Life
Teddy Bear De Cheri
Teddibea sheri / Teddy Bear Cheri / Teddy Bear de Cheri / テディベアシェリー